




KWU’S 教师教育 Program strives to prepare teacher candidates who are ready to teach and impact students’ lives their first day in the classroom.

教师教育 preparation has been an integral part of Kansas Wesleyan’s rich history. 第一个教师教育计划开始于1893年, 在千亿国际登录成立7年后. Graduates of the original two-year teacher preparation degree would receive a lifetime teaching license. Although requirements have changed dramatically over the years, KWU still produces quality teachers.

  • Our 教师教育 early field experiences include more than 100 field hours before students enter clinical practice, offering our teacher candidates a variety of rich and diverse field experiences.
  • Almost 99% of KWU students receive some type of scholarship or financial assistance.



The DEI vision for Kansas Wesleyan is to promote a diverse culture of equity, inclusion, integrity, and collaboration that deepens understanding and embraces intercultural and global 为学生、教职员工提供的体验.

The 教师教育处 is committed to the preparation of future elementary 而中学教师则体现了反思的哲学基础 从业人员. 这一理念包含了尊重多样性的理念 在所有教育环境中提供公平和包容. 反思性实践者 believe in celebrating all diversities and that represents students from all races, 种族, 社会经济地位, 性别, 宗教信仰, physical and mental 挑战、学习方式和能力. 课堂上的公平和包容 对学生的成功至关重要,是每一次反思的组成部分 实践者的教学理念. 通过以学生为中心的教室 reflective practitioner provides opportunities for the success of all students linking the 多元化、公平和包容的指导原则.



点击这里查看目录 的教师教育工作人员.


Students have an opportunity to interact closely with faculty in the department. This occurs not only within the college classroom and across campus, but also in the community.  Students experience hands-on activities that provide authentic preparation for teaching through projects, 学校的协作和工作.

Early field experiences in the Salina School District and surrounding areas provide a variety of classroom participation opportunities, 是什么让学生们准备好迎接不断变化的职业挑战.


A career in education allows an individual to make a significant difference in the lives of young people. Nothing can match the incredible satisfaction of seeing a student grasp a concept. The profession of teaching allows for collaboration with other individuals who are dedicated to teaching and learning.

在教学方面取得成功的人表现出关怀的品质, 公平, 诚实负责. 他们还在自己的内容领域拥有强大的知识库. 成功的教师是善于反思和终身学习的人. Teaching is an adventure of working with students and colleagues to meet the challenges and joys of the profession.


A degree in 教师教育 from 千亿国际登录 doesn’t mean your only career opportunities will be within a school. 我们的毕业生已经经历了各种各样的职业, 在典型的学校环境内外,例如:管理员, 教室的老师, 顾问, 企业教育总监, 日托员, 教育的说客, 教育研究人员, 国家或州教育主任, 和平队, 幼儿园/托儿中心主任, 主要, 教授, 学校辅导员, 学校图书管理员和特殊教育教师.


我校教师教育部门致力于 持续评估和改进 我们的教师教育计划. Data from various assessments help drive program and policy change to ensure KWU’s 教师教育 Program is aligned with State Standards.



The mission of the 千亿国际登录’s 教师教育处 is that a liberal arts education coupled with an academic major and professional training will produce effective K-12 teachers. The Conceptual Framework of the Unit states: “千亿国际登录 prepares reflective teachers with sound personal qualities, 谁有教育和终身学习的承诺, 表现出世界公民意识,忠于信仰.”



  • Demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge and interdisciplinary connections inherent in the level and content area studied.
  • 适用国家及国家标准, 经过研究验证的最佳实践, 批判性思维, 清晰、周到的沟通, 创造性表达, 在设计中进行诚实的公开调查, 实现, 区分, 评估, 以及对有效教学法的反思.
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions in varied educational settings with regard to a diversity of students and all members of the school community.
  • 营造一个吸引人的课堂环境.
  • Demonstrate their teaching skills effectively to complete a successful clinical practice.  



It is the philosophy of the 教师教育 Program that a liberal arts education and professional training will produce a teacher candidate who has academic and professional excellence, 强烈的精神和个人幸福感, 社会责任, and the skills to be a reflective teacher with the potential for educational leadership.


The mission of the 千亿国际登录’s 教师教育处 is that a liberal arts education coupled with an academic major and professional training will produce effective K-12 teachers. The Conceptual Framework of the Unit states: “千亿国际登录 prepares reflective teachers with sound personal qualities, 谁有教育和终身学习的承诺, 表现出世界公民意识,忠于信仰.”


The 教师教育 program is committed to the selection and preparation of future elementary, secondary and special education teachers who reflect in a positive manner the essence of the mission statement of the University; academic and professional excellence, 精神上的发展, 个人福祉和社会责任.


The 教师教育处 is committed to the preparation of future elementary 而中学教师则体现了反思的哲学基础 practitioners. 这一理念包含了尊重多样性的理念 在所有教育环境中提供公平和包容. 反思性实践者 believe in celebrating all diversities and that represents students from all races, 种族, 社会经济地位, 性别, 宗教信仰, physical and mental 挑战、学习方式和能力. 课堂上的公平和包容 对学生的成功至关重要,是每一次反思的组成部分 实践者的教学理念. 通过以学生为中心的教室 reflective practitioner provides opportunities for the success of all students linking the 多元化、公平和包容的指导原则.


千亿国际登录’s 教师教育 Program is accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).

可获得认证信息 在这个链接.


Students gain experience through hands-on activities that provide authentic preparation for teaching through projects, 在学校的合作机会和工作. Early field experiences in the Salina School District and surrounding areas provide a variety of classroom participation opportunities, 是什么让学生们准备好迎接不断变化的职业挑战.